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Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they?
Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span? Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wild flowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. Matthew 6:26-29, Gospel at the Funeral Mass In gratitude for the long full life and feisty, indomitable spirit of Mother Monica Nadzam who first as wife, mother and grandmother, and then as consecrated mother of Regina Laudis, sought to bring the art of homemaking to perfection, who especially loved the birds of the air and the flowers of the field, and loved to feed and clothe other people in the beauty she saw around her—may she now rest eternally free from worry about tomorrow and help those who loved her and saw her through her illness to do the same, trusting that each day we will be given sufficient strength we need to face whatever comes. In gratitude for the strong and faithful presence of Our Lady in Mother Monica's life: whether as the tender mother of the Nativity with the Child Jesus, or the awesome Queen of the Assumption whose antiphon Mother Monica prayed each night, or Our Lady Star of the Sea who led Mother Monica so late in life to courageously set out on the rough seas of a contemplative vocation, and put down permanent anchor at Regina Laudis. When a star unexpectedly appears in our lives may we see it as a sign of Mother Monica's abiding presence with us urging us to 'Call upon Mary' asking that she will be our unfailing companion on our road to the ineffable paradise her Son has promised us all. For George Nadzam, decorated Veteran of World War II whose flag is flying over our land today and for the deceased of the Nadzam and Nadorlik families. Let us pray to the Lord. Mother Abbess' Prayers of the Faithful for the Funeral Mass
![]() ![]() Eleanor Nadorlik was born on March 4, 1921, in North Braddock, on the outskirts of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to Stefan and Mary Nadorlik. ![]() Mom may have told you the story of the bread. Her mom baked a loaf of bread for each child during the Depression. That was all they had to eat then. They were poor—like everyone else at that time—but they were warm and had bread. Eleanor's faith and love of family and the Church would sustain her through difficult times. Her maternal and paternal grandparents were Slovak and Eleanor, who learned the traditions and fine cooking of that culture from her mother, carried on those traditions with pride especially on holidays in her own household as wife and mother. ![]() ![]() After the war in 1946 Eleanor and George were married and moved to Forest Hills, a suburb of Pittsburgh where they raised their two children, Kevin and Cindy. They were founding members of St. Maurice Parish and Kevin recalls: My Mom and Dad were very religious people who went to Mass and other services during the week and were devoted to their church. On Sunday nights I remember our family saying the rosary together. ![]() In 1973 Eleanor was home alone with her husband when he suffered a heart attack and passed away at the age of 53. Shortly after George's funeral she came on retreat to Regina Laudis where her niece by marriage, Mother Scholastica Lenkner, is a member of the community. As Eleanor tried to pick up the pieces of her life she started working as a volunteer at Columbia Hospital in Wilkinsburg, PA. Eventually the staff was so impressed with her work that she was hired as a Unit Clerk (secretary) and worked in the hospital, four years in the Cardiac Unit and three years in the Emergency Room from 1975-1982. Her contribution to the hospital was recognized on several occasions by the Hospital and her co-workers. ![]() ![]() raised in St. Pius Field
During the final years of her life Mother Monica bore her infirmities, intensified by having to wear a neck brace full time, with her typical stubbornness and determination. Almost daily at noon the infirmarians pushed her wheelchair to just outside the monastic choir so that she could pray the Offices of Sext and None with the community. She would then receive Holy Communion from one of the Abbey's Eucharistic ministers and recite the Angelus with them. She said this prayer word for word in a loud voice: Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts, that we to whom the Incarnation of Christ Thy Son was made known by the message of an angel may by His Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of His Resurrection. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Mother Monica is survived by her monastic community, her children Kevin Nadzam and Cindy Lenkner and her husband John; her grandchildren: Matthew and Jonathan Nadzam, Kelley Lenkner Patterson and Michelle Lenkner Albrecht and three beloved great grandchildren. Calling hours will be at the Church Jesu Fili Mariae at 15 Robert Leather Road in Bethlehem on Friday, June 19th from 7:30—9:00 pm and on Saturday, June 20th beginning at 8:00 am followed by the Requiem Mass at 9:00 am and burial in the Abbey cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations to the New Horizons Renovation Project would be gratefully accepted on-line or c/o The Abbey of Regina Laudis, 273 Flanders Road, Bethlehem, CT 06751. |
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