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“We knew in our hearts we would never just abandon the old monastery. The labor and love of those who had suffered and struggled to bring it into being had made it too sacred a space. The prayers of over 60 years are embedded in its walls.”
Mother Abbess Lucia Kuppens, Monastic Project Manager “Why are old buildings more freeing? They free you by constraining you. Since you don’t have to address the appalling vacuum of a blank site, … It is much easier to continue than to begin. Less time is needed. And you can do it by stages while using the space. The building already has a story; all you have to do is add the interesting next chapter.”
Stewart Brand in
How Buildings Learn |
We joyfully announce that on November 27th, the First Sunday of Advent, we will be opening our doors to the public. We at last feel that the pandemic is at a level where we can safely invite you to once again visit those places at the Abbey you have come to know and love: the church of Jesu Fili Mariae and the new Our Lady Queen of Praise chapel, as well as the Art Shop, and the Crèche. In some ways these sites will be familiar and, in some ways, very new. The newness is all due to you! Thanks to the generosity of all of you the renovation of the monastery proper has been at last completed and we eagerly anticipate sharing it with you. The pandemic prevented us from having a large celebratory gathering and whether that is possible in the future remains to be seen, but for now we can show our gratitude for all that has been given by welcoming you to come and see the miraculous work the Lord has accomplished through the love and prayers of all of us. You will need to keep following this site for information about the opening times, as they are a little different for each place, and for updates on the Covid protocols. As you know, they are constantly changing. May this Advent be a blessed time of restoration and re-connection with family, friends and the Regina Laudis community as together we pray that the light of the Lord’s coming will be born anew in our hearts and in our suffering world. Advent Blessings, Rt. Rev. Mother Lucia Kuppens, O.S.B., Abbess
Winter during this New Year of 2020 has seen continuous work inside and outside of the main Abbey complex. We are now in Phase Three, the final phase of construction of our New Horizons project. Accomplishments and projections for Phase Three are as follows:
These galleries will give you a glimpse of the work of Phase Three, the final phase of our New Horizons project that you have made possible. Transforming the Old Refectory into a New Library The Old Refectory is Beginning to Look Like a Library—August 2020
Framing of Old Refectory in Preparation for a New Library—February 2020
The New Refectory
New Chapel—Stained Glass window Made from Glass Taken from the Original Windows of the Old Chapel
Renovation of Dormer Cells on the North Side of the 3rd Floor
MOVING BEGINS! Fall 2019 has seen much activity at the Abbey as moving into the renovated building begins. Some community members have moved from their cells in the original third floor dormitory into the new building to free these cells to be renovated and to allow for the repair of the roof. Volunteers from the Verdi team assembled and moved beds as well as desks and office furniture. Our friends from Hope House moved heavy equipment such as the bakery mixer and copy machines into new work spaces and offices. Abbey friend Tim Csanadi and his colleague Jim Woodruff built beautiful furniture for Mother Abbess' office. The desk is a spectacular piece made from a slab of cherry wood. We are extremely grateful to the men who carried out the heavy work and worked tirelessly for hours with such a good spirit. Enjoy this gallery of the Fall 2019 moving activities.
Our community has been blessed with the gift of a beautiful granite altar for our new chapel. The altar was given by the Benedictine Community of Jesus Crucified whose Monastery of the Glorious Cross in Branford, CT has had to permanently close because they no longer had sufficient numbers to maintain their apostolate and presence to the people of the region. They will be greatly missed. The altar, which weighs 1,950 pounds, is made of local granite from the Stony Creek Quarry in Branford. We are profoundly moved by this gift which has made the relationship between our two communities even closer, and the Branford Benedictines are comforted to know that the altar that had been in their chapel for twenty years will now be central to the daily prayer life of Regina Laudis. The altar was safely transported to the Abbey by Mariano Brothers of Bethel, CT. Installation of the Beautiful Granite Altar in Our New Chapel, July 31, 2019l
Throughout the winter and early springtime 2019 work on the New Horizons project has proceeded with a non-stop intensity. Among the many goals accomplished:
If you are interested in contributing to the New Horizons Project: If paying through PayPal, after receiving a confirmation from the Abbey by email, please respond, telling us how you wish your contribution to be used. If paying by bank check, please specify in your letter the item you wish to cover.
AN EXTRAVAGANT GIFT FROM OUR BELOVED FRIEND TOMIE dePAOLA! Renowned children's book author and illustrator, Tomie dePaola, has offered to paint a mural for the entrance to our new chapel and to design stained glass windows for the interior of the chapel.
GALLERIES OF THE NEW HORIZONS PROJECT—2019 Blessing of Our Newly Renovated Kitchen
Consultation with Tomie dePaola for Mural for Hallway and Stained Glass Window for Our New Chapel
Installation of the Stained Glass Window on the East Side of Our New Chapel
Installation of the Curved Staircase Leading from the First to the Bottom Floor of the Atrium
Installation of the Skylight Over the Atrium
Glimpses of the Greenhouse, Archway to Main Entrance and Warm Inviting Colors in New Spaces
On August 15th, the Feast of the Assumption, we were blessed with the publication of an article in Voices by Jean Dunn. In the article entitled: As Work Continues Abbey Gives Thanks, Jean interviewed Mother Abbess, Mother Telchilde, Mother Alma, and Mother Angèle who are spearheading the New Horizons Project. Readers are brought up to date on the developments of the project which began in 2013. There is a consensus among the members of the group that the Monastic Community, although displaced since the Fall of 2017, has lived through months of "...earth-moving, hammering and ear-splitting activity," with a positive attitude of joy and gratitude. Our friends and guests can anticipate that the new chapel will have the intimacy and warmth of the original, but with more light. The new approach to the building will be much more accessible with a wider driveway, more parking, and an entrance that is clearly marked and beautifully lit. The sensitivity and masterful work of architect Paul Maggi and the Verdi Construction team is gratefully acknowledged. And Mother Abbess promises that after completion of the project, there will be a blessing and open house in gratitude to you who have made the renovation possible through your loving support.
'When we look at the concept drawings that we started with, and then look at the building going up, it’s remarkably similar to what we imagined it would be,' said Mother Abbess. 'It’s kind of startling to see that vision actually realized, before your eyes!'
'We’ve seen the two-dimensional plans become life-sized, three-dimensional spaces,' said Mother Alma. 'Each new room is a new revelation. It’s no longer just a plan on paper—we’re seeing our plans realized. That part to me is a real miracle.' From article As Work Continues Abbey Gives Thanks by Jean Dunn, published in Voices Jean Dunn has graciously made her article As Work Continues Abbey Gives Thanks available as a pdf file for you to read and/ or download to print. RAISING OF THE CUPOLA ON OUR NEW CHAPEL—FEAST OF ST. BENEDICT 2018
May St. Benedict watch over the raising of the cupula of our new chapel today, that all may go safely and smoothly, and may this chapel stand in simplicity and truth—poor in spirit, pure of heart, overflowing with the love that has gone into it—so that all who come there to pray may be enabled to truly hear with the Ear of the Heart and see God with new eyes.
Mother Abbess Lucia's Prayer of the Faithful, Feast of St. Benedict 2018
Our celebration of the Feast of St. Benedict this year was full and especially joyful. Sixty-four members of the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist, centered in Meriden CT, celebrated Mass with us. Mass was followed by the raising of the cupola to the top of our new chapel. Only the Holy Spirit could have choreographed the timing of of this milestone of our renovation project, occurring on the feast of our Founder St. Benedict with the Franciscan Community present. The day was sunny, breezy and cool. The cupola fit perfectly into the hole the master carpenters had prepared. Watch this video of the cupola being raised and celebrate this miracle with us! DEMOLITION DAY TO BEGIN PHASE II OF
THE NEW HORIZONS PROJECT To bring this plan to completion we pray for a small share of the courage it took Lady Abbess to leave France with nothing in her pocket and to make a monastery out of a factory building.
Mother Abbess Lucia on Demolition Day ![]() Mother Abbess' Reflection on Our D-Day—Why Demolition Must Precede Groundbreaking Welcome everyone. Welcome and thank you for coming to celebrate this miracle with us, thank you for in fact helping bring this miracle about. Even though we have been working every day, all day for many days to get to this moment—our D-day, demolition day—it still feels like a miracle. It is always dangerous to single out a few people at a moment like this but I think in this case I must try to name a few names. First, I would like to welcome Paul Maggi our architect, who joins us from New Hampshire. We feel truly blessed to have had Paul’s genius and understanding guide us through every twist and glorious turn of this New Horizons Project. Through Paul we came to know Verdi Construction and we are thrilled have them with us again for Phase II. We welcome back President Curt Verdi, Vice-president, Mark Johanning, Vice –president of Estimating and Senior Project Manager Derek Jacobs and the Project Superintendent Tom Segar. The confidence and trust you inspire by your work have made it possible for us to undertake this challenge. We are just getting to know Carl and his crew of accomplished carpenters Martin and Fabiano. Also Mike, who will be with us as Project Manager, but we already know we are in excellent hands. The same goes for Dan the artist with the excavator and his assistant Matt. And I would like to give a shout out to Paul Gaudiosi who has generously offered to document this process. There are also people here who have contributed steadily and generously with resources and time. ![]() We began back in 2010 with the simple idea of renovating this building standing behind me, St. Anthony’s, only to learn that to meet urgent fire safety concerns, we had to start at the other end of the complex. And so we did. Now at last we have come back to tackle St. Anthony’s but in the process our project has grown to double its size and scope because we discovered we also had to deal with everything in the middle, including our cherished greenhouse entrance chapel and the original chapel itself. Suddenly all the stakes were higher, the cut into the heart of the monastery and into the monastery’s heart, was much deeper. A number of people asked me if there would be a ground breaking to begin Phase II. Ground breaking sounds so hopeful, like planting seeds, starting new life. For this project before we can break ground we have to break down some walls. But this too can be life giving. For us it is a Liberation moment The walls of the oldest of these buildings have stood for roughly 70 years and are exhausted. They have given their all and they are crying to come down. Like Joshua outside Jericho we are praying that they come tumbling down swiftly and safely. As we give them one final blessing, we offer prayers of gratitude to all who went before us in this community to create this sacred place that has fostered the lives of so many inside and outside of the community. We know the battle to reach the promised land of a new monastery is far from over. To bring this plan to completion we pray for a small share of the courage it took Lady Abbess to leave France with nothing in her pocket and to make a monastery out of a factory building. We pray for patience, offering our experience of being displaced persons in union with the thousands of people in this country and across the world who have no home or hope of home to look forward to. Our history tells us that to be true to our call to Regina Laudis we must build for the future if we are to keep this land as a center of unbroken prayer for a world so desperately in need. That is why we gather here today with you to celebrate an ongoing miracle. ![]() ![]() See Galleries of each phase of the New Horizons Project. BACKGROUND TO THE NEW HORIZONS BUILDING PROJECT
Having completed Phase I of our building project in 2013, we are now making every effort to embark upon the second and final phase of our project as soon as possible. The core of this final phase is the complete rebuilding of the chapel that we have loved since the foundation of the Abbey in 1948. Unfortunately, it is not strong enough to weather a renovation. It is beset by structural deterioration, poor ventilation, mold infestation, inadequate insulation and poor lighting and it does not have enough space to accommodate our growing community. It must be entirely rebuilt. Phase II of New Horizons will also see the transformation of an existing dormitory into an urgently needed infirmary, as well as much needed improvements to living spaces, workshops, offices and places where the community can meet with guests. All new construction will also offer a solution to our current energy issues. Our entire project is guided by sound principles of sustainability. The formal estimate for the completion of Phase II is $9.5 million dollars. We have already been able to raise $6 million towards that goal. We are at a critical juncture now. We must raise $3.5 million in order to launch Phase II. As a contemplative religious institute founded on the Benedictine vow of poverty, we beseech your help and support for this project. Although we are a religious organization which is part of the Roman Catholic Church, we receive no financial support from the Church. ![]() Please consider supporting our New Horizons Building Project. We would be deeply grateful. The model for the proposed new chapel, constructed by Mother Alma Eggar, is now on display in the Lower Monastery Chapel. You are welcome to visit the Chapel and take a closer look at the details and layout. BACKGROUND TO THE PROJECT In 2011 due to inadequate and deteriorating housing, we launched a renovation project, ![]() ![]() ![]() In 1964 a new cinderblock wing was added to the southwest corner of the original building. The addition provided dormitory space of ten new cells on the third floor and an expanded first floor, which as the hub of our life, houses the portress office and community common room. ![]() These “temporary” quarters have served the community remarkably well for over 60 years, but they were built with the minimal finances available to the nuns at the time. The complex of buildings, called the lower monastery, houses the small chapel, dormitories, kitchen and refectory, common room, parlors for speaking with guests, laundry, preserving room and offices. The building materials and the utilities systems are now wearing out and the amount of space has been inadequate for many years. There is no question that the life of the community has dramatically changed in this half century, which has put entirely new demands on the space, and rendering parts of it obsolete. Accessibility and mobility for our elderly has become a pervasive and urgent problem. Most immediately, we had to address a mandate from the Fire Marshal to bring the third floor dormitory of our main building into compliance with the Fire Code. This crisis, left unattended, could have lead the Fire Marshal to force us to evacuate the building with no alternative housing. No aspect of our larger renovation project could proceed until this non-negotiable requirement was met. A MASTER PLAN Before we could undertake any one aspect of the renovations we knew we had to have a comprehensive plan, a vision for the whole lower monastery. Too often we had experienced the difficulties of growing piecemeal, adding things as they were needed in a crisis. Providentially, a first-rate architect Paul Maggi of Paul Maggi Associates was suggested by trusted Oblates Mary and Don Larson. Immediately we recognized in examples of Paul’s work monastic values that corresponded to the aesthetic we had tried to embody in a much simpler form in our church Jesu Fili Mariae: a love of wood and stone, handcrafted items wherever possible, and open light-filled spaces. Paul confirmed that our original building was well worth restoring. Because the building was in fact designed to be a factory, it has incredible structural strength with steel supports and high ceilings. Architect Paul Maggi's Concept Drawings
WORK BEGINS By early 2012 we had made the decision to hire the Verdi Construction Company for the work of renovation and on February 6, 2012, work began with demolition of two bathrooms on the first and second floors of the original monastic building. ![]() PHASE I—WORK ACCOMPLISHED
• Handicap Accessible Bathrooms: We have completed the transformation of two existing bathrooms to beautiful new handicap accessible facilities. • Fire Egress Staircase: We have completed construction of the new South stair tower fire egress staircase from the 3rd floor dormitory, which was in response to a mandate from the Bethlehem Fire Marshal. Additionally, we have re-constructed an interior staircase that connects the main floor of the main monastery building with the second and third floors. We have done this to bring this staircase up to current code and to allow it to function as an additional fire egress staircase for the third floor dormitory. • An Elevator for the Main Monastery Building: We have completed the installation of a new ThyssenKrupp elevator to serve the main monastery building. • Fire Sprinkler Protection System: We have completed the installation of a Fire Sprinkler Protection System and upgraded fire alarm system for the entire main building complex. • Construction of 4 new cells (individual sleeping rooms): We have converted some of our third floor attic space into four new individual monastic cells, which immediately begins to address our shortage of available living space for the young women asking to enter Regina Laudis. This work entailed raising the existing roof, creating new dormers, installing new windows, and insulating for temperature and sound. Since this is attic space, we included a heating and air conditioning system (HVAC) throughout, as well as a sprinkler system. We also added a new bathroom and other plumbing and electrical upgrades as needed. • Construction of a library extension which will connect to the future cloister walk. ![]() On the Feast of St. Benedict, July 11, 2013, the completed work of Phase I was blessed by our Chaplain, Father Iain Highet, and Mother Abbess. Curt Verdi, President of Verdi Construction, and members of his administrative staff as well as his on-site teams joined us for the celebration. Architect Paul Maggi and consultant Allen Ward of Cargill Construction drove from New Hampshire for the Blessing and were delighted by the excellence of the work and transformation wrought by Verdi Construction. Father Iain blessed the new ThyssenKrupp elevator saying this prayer written especially for the occasion: Bless O Lord, we pray, that this elevator, with all the mechanical and electrical elements that allow it to glide from the basement to the third floor, be preserved from all danger and catastrophe, and safely reach its needed destination, bringing its passengers in full equilibrium to the Work of God to which they have been assigned. And may this blessing extend to all the new spaces made accessible by this elevator and all the new systems installed for our protection and assistance.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen. ![]() When Christ took flesh through the Blessed Virgin Mary, he made his home with us. Let us now pray that he will enter this home and bless it with his presence. May he always be here among us; may he nurture our love for each other, share in our joys, comfort us in our sorrows. Inspired by his teachings and example may we seek to make our new home before all else a dwelling place of love, diffusing far and wide the goodness of Christ.
![]() We would like to express our deep gratitude to the Retirement Fund for Religious for awarding us a Direct Care Assistance Grant for 2012. We thank every one who so generously contributed to this fund through their parish and for all those in the National Religious Retirement Office who work on behalf of the retired Religious in this country. 2014 LABOR DAY MATCHING GRANT GOAL REACHED! Because of your generosity we reached our Matching Grant Goal on Labor Day. Our friends who dedicated their summer bicycle pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela to our New Horizons Renovation Project gave us their promised $75,000 because you matched their pledge. The culmination of their pilgrimage was yet another bicycle ride, this time from Hartford to Bethlehem to present their check to Mother Abbess. Mother Abbess offers her message of gratitude to them for their inspiration to dedicate their pilgrimage and to you for responding. ![]() Our Pilgrimage to Purity of Heart—A Message from Mother Abbess David Serna O.S.B., SEPTEMBER 2014
![]() The example of St. Anthony is at the heart of monastic life. Our call to 'ora et labora' which extends itself in hospitality, opening out to others, must have at its root this constant struggle with those powers which would hinder our progress to purity of heart. This pilgrimage to purity of heart is indeed arduous. It is to help us to continue this pilgrimage that you have responded and we are deeply grateful and invite you to stay with us even as we will continue to hold you in prayer. GALLERIES OF THE NEW HORIZONS PROJECT History of the Building
New Horizons—A Master Plan
A Winning Team
Safety and Accessibility
Transformation of 3rd Floor Attic into New Dormitory
May 2013—Renovations Bring New Color and Light to Interior and Exterior of Main Abbey Building
Completion of Phase One — Finishing Touches
Blessing of Phase One — Feast of St. Benedict, July 11, 2013
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